Greenman: Sons of Tara
Born half-human, half-faery, Liam could never be entirely part of either world, so Tara, the Spirit of the Earth, took him into her care. For thirteen years, he has lived in the safety of her keep in the Otherworld, learning what magic he can, sheltered from the harshness of the surrounding realms.In the human world, his father, Bracken, faces a cult of madmen and their leader, a twisted monster called Loxias. The cult of the Shattered God is bent on destroying magic, going so far as to plot the capture of the four Elemental Worthies.Liam's quest begins the night that Loxias breaks through one of the sacred henges, and uses stolen spells to trap Tara and claim her power for himself. Now he must find his father, rescue his mother, and find a way to free Tara before Loxias captures the rest of the Worthies and becomes a new and dangerous god.This podcast is a full cast theatrical production of the first book of the Greenman Series by N. K. Schlaudecker
8 episodes
What You Might've Been
While Bracken helps look after an injured Collin, Tierney and Liam greet their new chapter in Fiaglen with a visitor, the Fia champion, Diarmuid. Diarmuid's presence raises many questions for Liam, and he receives some unexpected a...
Season 1
Episode 6

Episode 05 - In Another's Shadow
Content Warning: This episode contains a horror sequence that includes psychological predation, frightening voices and peril. While animal fear is also depicted, no animals were harmed during the making of this episode. Burrdock's contributions...
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 04 - The Soul's Road
Nearly thirteen years have passed. Liam, son of Bracken and Tierney, has an idyllic life in the safety of Tara's Keep. As he tries to wield his budding magic, he finds more questions than answers regarding his unusual circumstances. Bra...
Season 1
Episode 4

Episode 03 - They Call Him Lost
Tara returns to her keep with Liam, to raise him and keep him safe from the dangers of both the human realm and Otherworld. Meanwhile, Bracken finds his feet in Tinewald after finding a visitor in the forest. Cast (in order of appe...
Season 1
Episode 3

Behind the Scenes - The Recording Fort 1
In this Bonus Content Release, you'll get to join us in the "Recording Fort" with Ashley Kuppersmith for the recording of Old Duir, Captain Iollan Marsh, and Collin Rodach. Welcome to all the laughter and chaos of a portable recording boo...

Episode 02 - Dregs of Sorrow
Winter arrives early in Tara and the Otherworld, while both Tierney and Bracken feel the weight of their choices, and the burden of the Shattered God's curse. Music Composed and Performed by Eamon CoughlanCast (in order of ...
Season 1
Episode 2

Episode 01 - The Parting Glass
When Bracken and Tierney, a pair of Fia (shapeshifting faeries) discover their human friend has turned against them in favor of a new deity known only as "the Shattered God", they try to flee to the safety of the Otherworld, to protect themselv...
Season 1
Episode 1