Greenman: Sons of Tara

Episode 04 - The Soul's Road

Season 1 Episode 4

Nearly thirteen years have passed. Liam, son of Bracken and Tierney, has an idyllic life in the safety of Tara's Keep. As he tries to wield his budding magic, he finds more questions than answers regarding his unusual circumstances.

Bracken has carved out a life in Tinewald, keeping the promise he made to the Rodachs. But peace is tenuous as the Shattered God's minions creep ever closer.

CW: This episode depicts a traumatic injury, discussions of death/child loss. Listener discretion is advised.

Cast (in order of appearance):

Sprite: Aeron Pierce
Liam: Shari Prestwood
Grunlich: Ashley Kuppersmith
Tara: Alice Dennis
Tierney: Stephanie Evers-Ard
Lady Orla: Christy Barnette
Collin Rodach: Ashley Kuppersmith
Bracken: N. K. Schlaudecker
Windswift: Amber Walker

Music composed and performed by Eamon Coughlan
Sound Effects Sourced and Licensed through

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 NARRATOR                          (in Irish accent) Hello there, Traveler. I know it’s been a while

  since our paths last crossed, but I wanted to take a moment to say thank you. 

(switch to American) This is N. K . Schlaudecker, the voice of Bracken and the writer of Greenman: Sons of Tara, and I just wanted to take a moment before the new episode to thank our audience for bearing with us. We had a few pretty major tech issues between the release of Episode Three and Episode Four which set us back quite a bit, and I wanted to thank everyone for your patience, and I hope that you enjoy Episode Four: The Soul’s Road. 



Episode 4 Sc. 1 – The Soul’s Road



(Thirteen years later)

(SFX, wind in the tall grass, horse eating, faery flight)


SPRITE                                   Grünlich is just ahead in the tall grass, Liam, what do you want us to do?


LIAM                                      You and the other sprites, keep moving the grass. It makes him flinch.    I can’t see him if you stop. 


SPRITE                                   You have your rope?


LIAM                                      Yes. I’ll catch him for sure, this time.


(SFX Faery, crawling through grass, horse snort)


GRUN                                    I can see you, you know.


LIAM                                      Grünlich! You never let me win.


GRUN                                    Letting you win defeats the purpose,    If I let you catch me, you’ll never really learn how, now, will you? Come now, Tara’s going to have dinner for you.


                                                (SFX hooves and footsteps in the grass/dirt.)


GRUN                                    The key is, you have to be a bit sneakier.


LIAM                                      You…you took the rope!


GRUN                                    (SFX rope drop) (muffled) And now I’ve caught you with it.


                                                (SFX walking away through the grass) 


LIAM                                      I’m not a baby. You don’t have to lead me around.


GRUN                                    (muffled) Of course, I do. 


LIAM                                      Grünlich, I’m almost thirteen.


GRUN                                    (muffled) And I’m a million.


LIAM                                      (struggling) You are not.


GRUN                                    (muffled) Ask Tara how old I am. Come on, quit tugging on the rope. You’re not a fish.


                                                (SFX horse walking)


TARA                                     I see you won again, Grün.

                                                (SFX rope drop)


GRUN                                    I always do.


LIAM                                      For now.


TARA                                     You need to wash up. You’re filthy.


LIAM                                      I blame Grünlich.    Besides, I thought you encouraged playing in the mud.


TARA                                     I do, but not taking a meal covered in it. Your mother is coming to eat with us, so you need to be presentable.

                                                (Liam runs off)


GRUN                        He’s not so bad for a puny little thing.    And it does him well to see Tierney. A shame the Fía won’t take him.


TARA                         They can’t. Their realm is too harsh for him, even as strong as he is. I  don’t know that he will ever be entirely part of his own people.


GRUN                        What if Bracken’s curse were lifted?


TARA                         It is impossible to say what would happen. It might restore Liam to full faery.

 GRUN                        I don’t understand why it changed him to begin with.


TARA                         Grün, walk with me. (SFX, walking, horse and person on pavestones, breeze) Winter will come early,    And it will stay far longer than its time.


GRUN                        Even here?


TARA                         Even so. You’ll have to get used to your winter coat, my friend.


GRUN                        Why, Tara?


TARA                         The Shattered God.

 GRUN                        How can a cult of buffoons change the seasons?    They’re dangerous, to                                        be sure, but still.


TARA                         Dominic and Cohort have warned me of such things. They’ve learned to kill faeries, Grün. And I fear what will happen if they learn to harvest their magic.


GRUN                        Then I pray they do not.


(Tara doesn’t answer, takes a breath as wind picks up)


GRUN                        What is it?


TARA                         Tierney is here.


(Wind rises, trees blowing, Tierney approaches Tara)

TIERNEY                   Hail, Mother, and well met.


TARA                         Greetings, my child, and welcome.


TIERNEY                   And Grünlich, well met. 


TARA                         I have luncheon laid for us in the garden.    Come, you must be famished.


                                    (SFX group walking, birds, fade out)




                                    (SFX calming forest)


LIAM                          When can I come live with you, Mother? 


TIERNEY                   You want to leave Tara?


LIAM                          No. But…I miss you when you’re gone. I want to be with you, see what our forest is like.    Meet others like me.


TIERNEY                   It’s not safe for you, my heart.


LIAM                          But I’m strong now,    I can run and climb and swim forever. Tara taught               me to speak to trees and animals, and, and…    You taught me the weaving      spells. I’m good at that. You saw the new thatch on Tara’s roof.


TIERNEY                   (sorrow, mixed with anger, though she’s trying to hide both) I did. But…


LIAM                          No, Mother,    I didn’t mean to upset you.


TIERNEY                   No, you didn’t do this. It is not within your power.


LIAM                          Then, why—?


TIERNEY                   I know many sorrows,    And you are yet too new to be burdened by their                                       weight.


LIAM                          Just the same, I wish you’d tell me.


TIERNEY                   Come on.    There’s something I’d like you to learn.




SC. 3


(SFX Liam and Tierney walking together through forest)


LIAM                                      This is further than even Grün lets me go.


TIERNEY                               It’s near Lord Fyre’s country, after all. I want to show you this tree. It was struck by lightning in springtide.


LIAM                                      (taking in decay on a lightning-struck tree, touches the bark) It’s bad. There’s so much rot. 


TIERNEY                               The decay has nearly reached her heartwood.    If she sleeps now, she will die.


LIAM                                      What about the dryad? Can’t she heal this?


TIERNEY                               Dryads can heal some wounds. This, if she were here, but…the sisters of this stand….


ORLA                                     (footsteps) I thought I might find you here, young ones.


TIERNEY                               Lady Orla, I would like to help, if possible.


ORLA                                     Of course. And welcome to you, Liam.


LIAM                                      Hullo your majesty.


ORLA                                     You may rise.    My, you’ve grown so quickly since last I saw you.    How old are you now, lad?


LIAM                                      Thirteen winters. Almost, anyhow.


ORLA                                     The time is right then. Good.


LIAM                                      But…    What time? And what happened to the dryad?


ORLA                                     She crossed to the human world several years ago to seek her sisters, and she is one of many who did not return.


LIAM                                      She’s trapped there like my father? 


ORLA                                     No, sweet one. My daughter was slain. Human temperaments change quickly, always in cycles they fail to see, and right now, they have embraced a belief that says they must hate magic to be guaranteed salvation and honor. So, they do.


LIAM                                      Oh…I…I’m sorry.    Can anything change it?


ORLA                                     Yes.    But such things take time and are never easy to cure. My son remains in Tara’s service, trying to do just that. And help your father.    And some days I don’t know which task he finds more vexing.


TIERNEY                               (laughs)


ORLA                                     (answering Liam’s unspoken questions) We’ll speak on it another day. For now, let’s see what can be done here.


TIERNEY                               (SFX walks up) This is the foundation of all magic. Ground yourself first    Send your roots deep into the earth.


Drink deeply all of the things you need, that this tree needs. Draw them in with each breath.


Press your hands to the wound and reach for the heartwood.

  (SFX magic, tree healing)

Very slowly, give her the nutrients and strength you have collected.

(SFX magic, backlash, hiss?)


LIAM                                      (collapses, exhausted from the effort, believes he has failed) No. 


I don’t belong here.


TIERNEY                               Don’t say that.    Of course you do.


LIAM                                      I can’t call magic. I can’t do anything. I …


TIERNEY                               You did a hundred times more with that effort than most humans can ever manage. It isn’t your fault. I never should have done this.


(SFX Tara and Grün approach)


TARA                                     If you had not tried, you’d never know, Tierney. 

                                                It was not a vain effort, Liam, 




TIERNEY                               Yes, Mother?


TARA                                     Take him to the Fía for a season.


Perhaps, in the morning, once you’ve rested.

Sc. 4


(TARA and GRUN) (SFX Hearth and night sounds)


TARA                                     You’ll go with them, won’t you, Grünlich? 


                                                (SFX snort, whicker)


GRUN                                    (groggy, he’s been dozing) Go with…who?


TARA                                     Liam and Tierney.


GRUN                                    Are you sure?


TARA                                     Yes. Bring them back after the solstice. Orla will keep me company until then.


GRUN                                    And if Liam loves the Fía?


TARA                                     He should. They’re his people. He needs to know them in truth, not simply in song and story.


GRUN                                    How is Liam?    He seemed exhausted.


TARA                                     He was. He’s sleeping and should be rested enough for the journey in the morning.    Take care of him, my Grün. He needs you.


Sc. 5

                                                (SFX daytime in the forest)

TIERNEY                               Excited? 


LIAM                                      And nervous.


TIERNEY                               Certainly.     But if Tara says it’s time to try, then it is.


LIAM                                      I’m going to miss them.    Tara and Grün.


TIERNEY                               Tara will miss you, too, I expect.


LIAM                                      But…not Grün?


                                                (SFX shutter pushed open, horse noise) 


GRUN                                    No, not Grün,    Because I’m going with you.


Sc. 6


                                                (SFX pair walking in a quiet forest) 


COLLIN                                 The boar will keep the tavern in meat for a week, at least,    Look at this track!


BRACKEN                            You need to get your spear ready,    Or do you want it to bash you into a million pieces?


COLLIN                                 Dramatic as always, Bracken. You know it would only manage a hundred or so. 


                                                (SFX Collin walks off)


WINDSWIFT                         You’re going to let him charge off after the boar?


BRACKEN                            He’s still young,    And has to test his mettle.   


WINDSWIFT                         I draw the line at fighting pigs. 


(SFX footsteps)


COLLIN                                 Bracken! Come quick!


BRACKEN                            (SFX runs)

Coll, what is it? Are…


COLLIN                                 The boar…someone’s killed it.


(SFX flies-persistent as they talk)


COLLIN                                 They’ve left it a travesty- the whole thing’s going to go to waste.


 BRACKEN                           Eoghan,    I’ve had all I can take of those damned poachers.


COLLIN                                 What do we do? I told Mam we’d bring it back for her.


BRACKEN                            I’m sorry, Collin. But she’ll understand. They spoiled the carcass so we couldn’t use it without poisoning everyone.    It won’t be wasted, though. It’ll serve to feed other animals. But it’s just no good to the Moorhen. 


                                                (SFX he starts to walk away)


COLLIN                                 (frustrated) Why can’t something just eat those two? And why are the Shattered God’s poachers hunting in our woods, anyway? Don’t they have their own to wreck?


BRACKEN                            Ever since they built their chapel on the Marsh Road, they’ve felt like they could edge in here. 


COLLIN                                 If it’s the problem, we ought to burn it down.


BRACKEN                            (scoffs) And solve what, exactly? You burn that one down and their priests will just build a new one, probably closer to Tinewald.


COLLIN                                 Why, though?


BRACKEN                            You do realize, to them, that would mean that we needed them and  their blind-god even more. You don’t want to give them that idea, do you? Why, they’d never leave us alone.


COLLIN                                 No, thank you.


BRACKEN                            So, we must work around them, until…


COLLIN                                 Until what?


BRACKEN                            Eh, forget it. You shouldn’t get your hopes up, anyway. Here, I’ll fetch the horses. 


COLLIN                                 I hate this stupid cult. Why don’t they mind their own?


BRACKEN                            These men have no other way. But leave it. We’ll manage some hares and suchlike.  Lucky I made you bring your bow, after all. 

                                                (SFX Bracken walks away.)

 COLLIN                                 (Slips and is falling down a hill) (Yells)


BRACKEN                            (SFX runs to the edge) Collin!


COLLIN                                 I’m all right. (SFX stands up, takes a step- trap snapping, Collin screams) Oh gods! Oh gods! Tara! Oh gods! Please help me!


BRACKEN                            Damn it! (SFX scramble, run, slide in snow, chain rattle, struggle) 


COLLIN                                 (shouting, struggling) Tara! Oh gods, please help me.


BRACKEN                            This…it’s all right Collin. Hold on. 

COLLIN                                 (Cries) Oh gods-


BRACKEN                            (forceful, fighting to get his attention over the pain and fear)

                                    Collin, stop lad, stop!


COLLIN                                 Oh, Tara, oh gods, help me.


BRACKEN                            Listen to me. Focus on my voice. 


COLLIN                                 (cries)


BRACKEN                            Breathe. 

COLLIN                                 (steadies breathing, trying to listen)

BRACKEN                            Breathe.

You’re all right, I’ve got you.

I have to get this trap off of you. All right? It’s going to hurt lad, just breathe through it, all right?


COLLIN                                 (screams, struggles again) 

BRACKEN                            Collin! Stop, lad. STOP! I know it hurts, but you’ve got to calm down.

COLLIN                                 (Settles)

BRACKEN                            I’m going to get you out, all right?    

(voice breaking)

 Please…I know. (chain rattle) 
 Come on, (growls) cooperate, damn you… 

(Metallic clink as the hinge loosens)


BRACKEN                            There, it’s off. 


COLLIN                                 I’m sorry.


BRACKEN                            Shut it. You didn’t do anything wrong. Now, get up.


COLLIN                                 (panicking) I can’t, I can’t.


BRACKEN                            You must. 


COLLIN                                 No!


BRACKEN                            You can lean on me. Give me your hand. Stand.


COLLIN                                 (groans in reaction to pain)


BRACKEN                            There you go. 


COLLIN                                 (hissing breath)


BRACKEN                            There’s one step. 


COLLIN                                 (hisses through his teeth)


BRACKEN                            And another. Stay with me, lad.   I’ll get you home.


NARRATOR                          Greenman: Sons of Tara is written, adapted, produced and directed byN. K. Schlaudecker. Featuring music composed and performed by Eamon Coughlan. With the voice talents of: Aeron Pierce, Shari Prestwood, Ashley Kuppersmith, Alice Dennis, Stephanie Evers-Ard, Christy Barnette, N. K. Schlaudecker, and Amber Walker.

You can follow our progress at Thank you for listening. Join us next time as our adventure in Tara continues.